Beyond the World Vol.2

Monday, June 13, 2005


We had a ceremony for people who are going to study abroad on Saturday. It was from 4 p.m., and unfortunately it was rainy humid.
The ceremony was not so interesting because the speech that the President and an executive gave us was so boring and long that I didn't concentrate on the speech. Also, almost teachers sitting on their seat on the stage were sleeping. In a sense, it's amazing!! Even the President was sleeping.......I thought it is not necessary for other japanese teacher who doesn't related to studing abroad to attend if they fell do you think?
Anyway, I took some pics with friends. I noticed that I could meet many good friends through the CIE classes. Some of mine can speak Englsih so well, and some of them are really smart. I was so glad to meet them and to take classes with them.
Unfortunately, although I wanted to take pics with my teacher as well, they were not in ceremony. They seem to be out of Japan. good.
I would like to appreciate to all my friends and teahcers.
Thank you for everything!!


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